An Award and the 7 Random things tag

In all spheres of life, you come across people you really look up to. People who amaze you with their skills – be it management skills, social skills, or those that weave magic with words. Like Shail of Shail’s Nest. She is one of the bloggers whose work, I find amazing. So when someone like her gives me an award , The Versatile Blogger Award- I can’t help be overjoyed:) Thank you so much, Shail!

And at the very last minute, I remembered that Zradar had passed me an award – which I had forgotten to pick up. Turns out I got double-tagged 🙂 Thanks Zradar – and do forgive me for picking it up so late.

The Rules for the Versatile Blogger Award says:

Nominate 15 fellow Bloggers

Inform the Bloggers of their nomination

Share 7 Random things about yourself

Thank the Blogger who nominated you

Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your Blog Post – That is the simplest – Here goes.

Nominate 15 Bloggers

1. Saritha

2. Swaram

3. Bikram

4. Seema

5. Scribby

6. Uma

7. Pepper

8. Ash

9. Hitchy

10. Sandhya

11. Smita

12. Shilpa

13. Vimmuuu

14. Kanagu – Maybe a tag will make you blog again?

15. Aparna

Now to share 7 random things about me.. Is there still something I haven’t shared in the 3 years I have been blogging?

1. I love recycling stuff – as in, separating garbage into recyclables and non-recyclables.  I meticulously gather all paper, empty juice cartons and put them in the right bin. Some of my friends think I’m crazy because of the effort I put into it 😦 Th other day, at a friend’s place, I started gathering discarded wrapping paper, and asked them where their recycle bin is, only to be met with a blank look  – they must have thought I am crazy 😦

2. As much as I like recycling, taking bottles to the bottle bank is something that I HATE! I can’t stand the sound of bottles breaking. It used to be husband’s job, but ever since he has started travelling, it has become mine.

3. You know that ‘trainer’ on Wii Fit. Every time she says, ‘Great Posture’, my posture goes wobbly. Every. Single. Time. Why can’t she just shut up and not say anything!!!!

4. I lurk on Twitter – mainly because I have nothing to say – and because it has become my daily dose of news, views and outrage 🙂

5. I hate the smell of cooking that lingers in the house. Hate it! I do everything to prevent it and hate it if I step in and can smell stale cooking!

6. I can’t pass the library and not go in.

7. Santa got daughter a monopoly set, and Santa has been playing monopoly ever since. It has stopped now because husband is away – but I had forgotten how addictive it is 🙂 I almost get tempted to play by myself – if only that were possible:)

And done! Thank you Shail and zradar! I enjoyed doing this tag!

44 thoughts on “An Award and the 7 Random things tag

  1. COngrats on the award… and thanks for tagging me yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy 🙂

    🙂 You are welcome!

    6. so make sure you dont pass a library .. take a different route :O
    It is right in front of Sainsburys! And everytime I land up there – I go to the lib too 😦

    5. yyyyyyyyyyy hmmm but i love that smell , my neighbours house has it all the time I so wish to gate crash there house all the time 🙂

    🙂 Chalo someone likes it 🙂

    3. Yeah i bought it too ,, used it TWICE 🙂 he he hehe
    LOL! That sounds like me! The other day it informed me that it has been 376 days since I took a body test 🙂

  2. 1. Me too have this habit to meticulosly putting the papers and plastics separately. But people here don’t give me looks 🙂

    Not everyone- but a few of my friends definitely think i am crazy 🙂
    2. Bottle bank?? first time I am hearing about it 😀 😀

    That is where we recycle all the bottles.

    3. LOL!!! 😆
    5. Actually I love the smell when the food gets cooked.. 🙂 🙂

    I don’t mind it while it gets cooked- but the smell linger afterwards too – probably because of the way the houses are made here, and the carpets..

    Thanks for awarding me Smitha.. I am honored 🙂 I am trying to be back in blogging and taking small steps.. will take up and complete the tag soon 🙂
    Great 🙂

  3. Congratulations, Smitha! Thanks for the award! I have got Bikram’s too! I must do both!

    Great 🙂 Looking forward to reading yours!

    I am also meticulous in segregating plastics and other things. I too haven’t read anywhere about the bottle bank.

    We have a separate recycling area for bottles too.

    Library? I have forgotten about it now!
    🙂 I can’t do without the library 🙂

  4. I came to wish you and picked up an award for myself…. 😀 😀 Thank u dear and u have a fab day !!! 🙂

    Who wont feel on top of the world to receive a “Versatile Blogger Award” for the second time, huh ??? I am certainly feeling light headed, flying for so long…. 😉

    I love the way u recycle…its like doing our bit to the environment, even if we continue to get blank stares…I also do it in my own way…it helps the garbage collecting person to easily sort it out. Good going on that Smithu. 🙂

    I love the smell of cooking in the house…I even love to guess what the others are cooking from the smells that I perceive while walking by their houses…I think its a foodie’s privilege !!! 🙂

    Since I’ve already told 100s of random things abt me…I don’t think that there is anymore to say on that….but, thanks a lot Smithu…receiving it from you certainly makes me happy. 🙂 🙂

  5. Pingback: Salwar more provocative than saree? « The World as I see it

  6. Happy 2012 Smitha 🙂

    Funnily, I don’t or rather can’t pick books up if I go to a library unless I know what I want. I end up confused. Decision making in a library sucks for me 🙂

    So although I love books and use my library card well, I look away when I pass a library 😛

  7. Twitter is my daily dose too. In fact some time back when the L & M told me some news, I told him, “But how can that be? I did not see it on twitter!” 😉
    I love libraries too 🙂
    Thanks for taking up the tag and the kind things your have said 🙂

  8. Congratulations! 🙂
    Recycling is soooo cool… for a better tomorrow! Super Like this initiative of yours!

    Arre, it is no initiative – we have separate bins for diff tyoes of waste – all we need to do is put things into the right bin – the councils here are quite serious about recycling – which is why it is funny when people still don’t do it, you know..

    I like the aromas wafting from the various kitchens and try to guess the dish too! 😛
    I like it when things are getting cooked – not when the smell lngers in the carpets, curtains and the upholstery 😦

    Yeah, Monopoly is addictive!
    It is, isn’t i?
    Thanks for tagging! Will take it up ASAP.
    A very happy birthday to you, once again!
    Thanks so much!
    Cheers 🙂

  9. Congrats and thanks for tagging me.

    Recycling sounds good.Here in india we can’t segregate the waste the way people in the west and other foreign countries do.Wish we too start doing that here…

    I love the smell of food in the house in particular biryani and baking smell.

    Smitha what is Wii fit?? reading it for first time.

    Will take up the tag soon……

  10. Congrats on the award, Smits! You truly are a versatile blogger for the variety of posts you churn out :).

    I have serious doubts about my versatility. I feel most of my posts are quite similar.

    You know the first thing I did upon coming here was to scroll down to see if you had tagged Bik & Nu! Phew, what a relief!Those two had done all they could to make me feel guilty for not tagging them in my post :(:D 😀

    I did! I had already done the tag in my drafts, and I was so happy that you hadn’t tagged them – it is so tough to get 15 bloggers who haven’t been tagged yet 🙂

    Recycling is a very good habit, Smits and now with your move back to India hope you are able to spread this awareness and habit to people around you as well, for our country certainly needs it :).
    I have no idea, how it will be in India – it is quite simple here – all we have to do is pt the relevant waste in the relevant bin..

    Same pinch on lurking on twitter! I find it far more interesting and worthwhile a time to spend on than watching all those news-channels!
    Absolutely! And so many diff perspectives as well, no?

    How I wish I had a library here :(.
    I am going to miss libraries in India – big time!

    Santa got Kunju the monopoly set or you?? Just wondering! 😛 😉

    🙂 Me of course, in my avatar as Santa 🙂

  11. Congrats on the award, good to read a little more about you Smitha.
    I also love to lurk on twitter – and only tweet on and off, but twitter is a blessing when I sense an earthquake and always find many other people asking if anybody else felt their chairs or comps shake!! Accurate information is on twitter well before any news channels begin to misinform 🙂

  12. Pingback: Unbelievable Start to 2012. + Musical monday (17) « Me and My Random Thoughts

  13. Hey – a big congrats on the award and thanks for the tag!!! It sounds like a lot of fun, tho I’m not sure I can tag as many as 15 people :)) I will do it sooon, I promise :))

  14. Thanks 🙂 And looking forward to reading yours! Haven’t been able to comment on your blog – don’t know why. I am able to comment on other blogspot ones.. Emailed you..

  15. Pingback: The famous award reaches me too :) | This & That

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