Holiday Time

We’re off to Goa forΒ  the weekend.

Bags, sunscreen , cameras, chargers, books packed, Figured out all the moves needed to fit into the swimsuit that suddenly seems to have shrunk. All that eating out was bound to show up somewhere:( We’re all set! Finally, we are off to a beach where we can actually get in the water, rather than having to walk around completely covered, like we had to do on English beaches.

Can you tell how excited I am?

PS: I have no idea how I’m going to stick to the blog-a-thon. I had planned to schedule posts, but as usual, it stayed in the planning stage:)

32 thoughts on “Holiday Time

  1. Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and easy to stick to thei Blogathan post a picture a day of lovely GOA πŸ™‚ now that is an idea

    he he he he

    Have fun smitha enjoyeeeeeeeeeeeee and your hubby and the little one tooo.. I bet she is most excited

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