I must have been crazy…

Absolutely. Completely. Crazy. To join the blog marathon this month. I should have known better. It’s bound to be a crazy, busy, fun month, and to add to it all, I’ve also gone and piled on a blog marathon on top of my overloaded plate.

But what’s life without a few challenges, especially when you have so many of your friends with you in the marathon madness. The only thing I regret is that I just don’t seem to get any time to reply to the comments or read your posts. These last few days, I don’t even get the time to log into my reader. But I’ll get there, eventually.

Talking of challenges, the one challenge that I did take up was Smita’s review challenge, and I have to say, I just loved it. I’m quite sure that I bored a lot of you with my reviews, but I’m quite keen on doing it again. I managed to review 52 books last year, making it an average one a week. I wonder how ambitious I should get this year. At the very least, let me try to match last year’s record? I already have a back log of some wonderful books that I so want to review. I try not to take challenges to up the number of books I read, because somehow, I feel it would take away from the joy, I get from reading. That reminds me that I’ve not even updated my ‘My Nose has been buried in these..’ page. And its already time for a brand new page.

In other, totally unrelated news, husband is here, and we are enjoying living in the home, we had dreamt of for the last 8+ years, savouring every moment, capturing memories, just in case we do have to return back to the UK. As we were discussing, there is something about Bangalore that feels like home, even after years of being away… Fingers crossed that this year, we would all be together, soon, wherever that might be.

So what are your new year resolutions? Any new challenges this year?

18 thoughts on “I must have been crazy…

  1. I must thank you for all those reviews Smitha.. though I hardly choose books from your list you were one of the great inspiration for me to get back to my reading in 2012.. will publish my list soon.. thanks again..
    have a wonderful family time.. hugs..

  2. he is there.. well the new year is already started with a bang then for you πŸ™‚

    all the best with whatever happens Smitha, and I am sure it will be good and hey hey just to make you more mad πŸ™‚ both choices are good for me ha ha ha ha I still get to eat whenever I meet you guys ha ha ha ha

  3. I for one loved that you took up the book review challenge because I picked up so many books from the ones you’d recommended πŸ™‚ So that did up my reading quotient as well, in 2012 – thanks πŸ™‚
    Happy new year to you and hope the bangalore/UK conundrum gets resolved one way or the other….its important for the family to be together!

  4. I should really take up some review challenge too! It’s been ages since I reviewed a book and I have read so many good ones.

    Cheers to more fun times!:)

  5. For one I always skip book reviews ! πŸ˜›

    Secondly I seriously hope and pray for togetherness for all of you πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ and I can understand you finding it busy this month what with hubby around ! πŸ˜› :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  6. Happy new year! Good to know you guys are enjoying your time together. πŸ™‚

    I should thank you for those book reviews. They have always been precise and yet informative. Will look forward to your book reviews in 2013. πŸ™‚

    How do you manage to read so many books? I honestly can’t read more than 35 books in a year, even though I seem to be reading ALL the time, much to the irritation of my family! Some tips, please!

    I used to do reading challenges earlier, but have now given up on them. I feel they only put pressure on me, and take away from the joy of reading just for the sake of it.. They stop me from reading books that I want to read based on my mood. That said, I do set up personal reading challenges.. I keep challenging myself with different levels of books and different genres..

  7. Ah! You completed the challenge!! I feel short by 6 books 😦 but this year have resolved to do better!!!

    You know I had read R’s post on 2nd and was thinking of joining the Blog Marathon but then couldn’t post…now I am thinking from joining in…yest I posted and I am thinking what to do…Gaah!!

    Happy New Year πŸ™‚ Enjoy the family time and I am sure you guys will be united soon πŸ™‚

  8. What if life w/out a wee bit of challenge? Am glad you are doing the marathon. I follow your reviews and travel stories big time. Am seriously thinking of catching up on my backlog with reading – now that I know you can download kindleapp for IPad!! Wish you a great New Year with a full house:))

  9. A very happy New Year Smithu….of course I also wish that you make Blore your home !!! Need to meet you πŸ™‚

    Writing posts or reading a few is becoming a big task, where to do blogathons ??? You enjoy all the blogging time πŸ™‚

  10. Hey! Happy happy new year to all of you…hope you are having a wonderful time. I wonder why everytime i try to comment it asks for my login history-wp never does that with anyone else’s.
    And you know what? I love it and feel happy that you agreed to this marathon. πŸ™‚ please keep doing the book reviews-i pick up a lot of books based on your reviews.so lets have more than52 this year πŸ™‚

So, what do you think?