There it comes again..

..New Year’s Eve..There is something about this time of the year.. The whole festive air, the excitement, the whole atmosphere seems charged. That time when everyone seems to be in the mood for some partying 🙂

Unbelievable, that another year has passed. Another New Year’s Eve is here, and we have to learn to write 2012 instead of 2011 🙂

2012 seemed like a big year. In 2005, when London won the Olympics bid for 2012, we had felt that 2012 is so, so far away. Funnily enough, those years seem to have flown by. 2012 is here! 2012 is also the year for our move back to India – hopefully our last big move of this sort. Hopefully 2012 will be everything we hope for..

Here’s wishing you all a very Happy New Year. May 2012 bring for all of you everything that you want and hope for 🙂

43 thoughts on “There it comes again..

  1. Happy new year… Hope we get to meet before you shift back 🙂 …

    Here’s wishing all ur dreams wishes come true in this new year..
    Happy new year to the little one tooo.. And hubby and everyone around you.

  2. it’s always the case..time seems to have flown away rapidly in hindsight 🙂 like we feel it was just yesterday when Chirpy came into our lives and today it’s just couple of months and she’ll be 1!!!!

    Happy Happy New Year to the three of you Smithu 🙂

  3. Yes Smits, 2012 will be everything that you hope for, heres hoping it turns out even better :).

    Have a great year ahead! Loads of hugs to you and ummas to my Poohimani 🙂

  4. You coming backk??????? Thats one of the best news I have heard in recent times ! Not because, we are going to meet, or maybe we will, but I just love to hear NRI’s coming back to India for good 🙂 🙂 Happy 2012, you guys !

  5. happy new year smitha..pass my love to poohi too..and u said it so right that we learn to write 2012 school (the time when dates wr there in left margin) that was important

  6. Yes, there is indeed something magical in the air around this time of the year that makes it so charming! I love the time period of December-January when everything is so festive! 🙂

    You guys are moving back to India? Wow! So exciting, no? Wish you all the very best for the move!

    Last but not the least, wish you guys a great year ahead! 🙂

So, what do you think?