Love at first bite

I don’t have much to say about love at first sight, but I can sure tell you about love at first bite – that happens – happens to me all the time!

One of the many things that I fallen in love with – at first bite is the brownie. The first time I came across brownies was during my first trip to the US. Needless to say, this love for brownies did result in a huge increase in my own weight, but that never deterred me from gobbling them down.

There is something about brownies that I love – the chewy, fudgy chocolatey taste. And what tastes better than a warm brownie served with vanilla ice-cream, topped with nuts and chocolate sauce? That is what I plan to serve to my guests tomorrow. And may I present to you, my first successful attempt at brownies?

I had tried making them a long time back, in Bangalore, when we had bought our first microwave cum conventional oven. Those days, no matter what I did, my brownies turned out more like biscottis. Although that never stopped my team from gobbling it all up – which was a huge relief for me. Somehow I never tried making them since. I have no idea why I never made them before.Β  Today, I was racking my brains trying to figure out what to make for dessert for dinner tomorrow, when I remembered brownies! So anybody care to share? Daughter has already QA’ed it for me and given her stamp of approval.

In case any of you are interested, the recipe from here. The only change that I made was to include pecans instead of the chocolate chips. You could add walnuts too – we just happen to prefer pecans.

39 thoughts on “Love at first bite

  1. yummy!! blondies and brownies are my fav too.. i havent baked in ages ..your baking posts make me want to get back to baking too.. and my first brownie was like some cereal bar -all hard and yucky !

  2. When I came to London, I fell in love with croissants! I was eating them nearly every day for breakfast!

    I love croissants too, Sandhya πŸ™‚ I just try and steer way clear of it, because of the calories πŸ™‚

    This looks very very tasty! When I get some young guests to gobble up what I do, let me try this recipe, thank you, Smitha!

    Do try and let me know how you find it.

  3. Smithu, thatz so sooo sooo droolworthy! And QAed by our Poohikutty – what more do u want πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I sooo want them Smithu. pls to send me some πŸ˜‰ And with vanilla ice-cream and nuts slurp slurp πŸ˜‰

  4. Yummy looking browines,me too like u,always wait for the verdict from the little devils.

    I never tried making brownies,today was breaking my head what to make for the evening snacks for the kids.Maybe will try to do this.

  5. I know, there is something about the brownie that I can’t resist taking into my tummy.. Tummy and me kush kush.. I’m going to fetch some today πŸ˜‰

  6. Yummy I can almost smell them from here……I love them but somehow I’ve never been able to make them properly…something always goes wrong 😦

So, what do you think?