Captured memories.. Post 21

Every time I browse through old pics, I can’t help be amazed at how different life was even a few months back. So when I think of life as it was when I was growing up, I can’t believe how different it was from what my daughter experiences today.

To just take one simple example, we are so lucky to be able to capture so many memories on camera. I remember how different it was when we were growing up. My parents certainly did not have half as many pictures as we have. The exorbitant costs of taking photographs reduced photographs to a ‘special events thing only’. Most of our childhood pictures are awkwardly posing pictures in photo studios or during some wedding or holiday. Even then, it would not be random clicks like we have today. No options for mistakes, developing a roll, was not a cheap thing at all, was it?

Today, thanks to technology, we just click to our heart’s content. We take all sorts of pictures, of anything that catches our fancy..  We fill up our memory sticks with anything and everything. All we need is a hard disk big enough. Not even bothering to delete pictures that are not taken well. Anything that helps us capture the moments that matter to us. Little moments spent together with loved ones. When I go to India, I come back with so many pictures with random things.. Some of them sweet memories, some just moments captured..

After daughter was born, of course, cameras and pictures took a different meaning. We would have the camera ready at all times.  Especially when she was younger, it used to be a race to capture everything she did. Her smiles, her cries – I actually have videos of her crying – yes, crazy first time mother, I know… Although as I was going through the pictures, I do realize that I don’t take as many pictures of her as I used to. Yes, she is getting bigger. The ‘aww’  moments are different. And not so often, as they used to be. And we have far less time together in comparison too. Which I guess makes me all the more nostalgic..

Now, let me show you the picture that started off this post ….

This was a picture taken in 2008 on our annual holiday to India. Daughter dotes on my dad. She would copy everything he did. One morning, he was reading the newspaper, when she grabbed a paper, and copied him. She sat there, pretending to ‘read’ as long as dad sat there reading his news.

Every time I come across pictures like this, I can’t help be glad that technology has improved to the point where we can capture everyday moments like this, to relive years later..

25 thoughts on “Captured memories.. Post 21

  1. Oh i wish I had a camera then, what all stuff we did , the camps we attended and this and that .. uphill tips
    If We had mobile phones then with a cam, I would have so many lovely memories …

    I so agree! So many memories uncaptured!

    And Poohi is copying her grandpa he he hee I like that 🙂 bless her …

    Oh yes! She does it all the time 🙂

    Now we have all these things at click of finger.. .. I rmemeber I got those black and white pictures of mine , I so have to go home and bring them all and scan them …

    I have got to do it too! I plan to do it everytime we go home, but it never gets done. Sigh!

  2. Lovvvvved this post Smithu, and awww what a pic 🙂
    Cn so understand what u r saying. Su used to do that with his niece – click loaaaads of pics when she ws born 🙂 So I cn as well guess what he wud do with a daughter 🙂

  3. What an adorably cute are right though I crib like crazy about RD’s obession with his blackberry..I am glad technology has come up to this level to give us such super nice adorable moments to frame for ever

  4. awwww I have a very similar pic, ojas, N, my sis and my dad all reading their news papers… pics are treasures for life and as u rightly said the digital age has made it easy for us

  5. So sweet she is.Hugs baby…..

    Me too used to capture each and every moment of the kids.I like the camera with reel,those pictures can be seen anytime of the day,unlike the digital pic we have to open the computer.

    Now most of the pics are clicked by mobile….

  6. This is such an adorable picture 🙂

    And can relate to what u say. I hardly have any pics of my toddler days & see the no of pics that I have alrady clicked of the l’lle one

  7. The post and pic brought a tear to my eye. The relation between granddaughter and grandparent is a precious one … brought back many memories…

    I regret that I have not taken too many pics of my grandfather…he simply detested posing for pics. Now I wish I had more of them…although my memories do suffice to an extent.

    Love to your daughter…she’s precious.
    And yes so are the pics!

  8. These cameras are an amazing invention… and the memories that just flood into the minds… no words to express those .. haa haa, children are the greatest of fans:) they imitate every bit of their fav person :);)

  9. A classic pic!! It’s the same story here… have such a vast collection of everyday moments, but I go a step further and print the best ones religiously. So we have a drawer full of albums, which we all love to look at from time to time and enjoy the memories! 🙂

  10. Awww such a precious pic! Look at serious and full of concentration 😀

    🙂 I know 🙂 As if she can actually read every word on that page 🙂

    Theres something extra- special about bonding between grandparents and grandchildren, isnt it?

    Absolutely! It warms my heart when I see these pictures.. That extra-special bond, captured, for eternity.

    God bless Kunju always! Hugs & kisses to her!

    Cameras have become an integral part of our everyday life ever since Namnam was born :). I remember, when namnam was small, how we always had a handy cam or a camera within reach just so we would not miss a single moment of her growing up 😀

    Same here 🙂 And it is such fun, isn’t it, watching all the pictures? I can spend hours!

    In my case though, thanks to my father’s love for photography, he has this huge collection of our childhood( brother & I) antics in print that he has kept safely till today. And whenever we are home seeing those photographs brings back such beautiful memories :).
    Aww! That is wonderful! It must be great to be able to see them and remember the wondeful times!

So, what do you think?